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  • HuskNutrition

What really is motivating and restriction?

'I'm so motivated to watch Netflix I will commit to not leaving a chair for hours because Netflix is the real me time...'

When we really want that freedom of choice over what we do yet won't put something in place to manage it, we are in fact creating more and more stress.

We don't have to be perfect, we just have to be good enough.

If you know something is derailing you but you 'can't be arsed' or 'won't organise' then you are constantly guessing, never in control but we love to blame something else as humans.

You have full control over the actions that you do.

'Tracking or scheduling' does nothing but aligns your mental processing with what you will be doing at that time.

When I set intent, my actions are driven towards what I'm doing.

Maybe it is boredom and the reward you seek is actually distraction...

90% of the time people are scrolling through a device during that Netflix ‘me’ time but find they don't have any time to shop, exercise or even order a Gousto so they have exactly what they need for a tasty meal.

Make the time now - do not wait - to be busy so you can be free later. Making the time IN your diary helps organise yourself, know what’s coming and makes sure you do what you said you would do.

Reduce exposure. Remove the cues of your bad habits from your environment.

Increase the number of steps between you and your bad habits.

Choose your future choices to the ones that benefit you.

Do something today your future self will thank you for.

Fergus Crawley @HMN24 ambassador and incredible athlete recently posted this:

1) I’ve brought my ‘go to bed’ time forward 45 minutes, which loses me nothing other than arbitrary scrolling time in front of the TV, but gives me an awful lot!

2) Training time-blocking: I always time block my work commitments, otherwise it’s impossible to keep on top of things. But until recently, I didn’t rigidly slot in my training as I did with business commitments.

On Sundays, I map out my work week, and place my training in my outlook calendar, and whilst sometimes it’s at miserable times in the day, awkward to get to, or a pain in the arse - if it’s in the diary, it’s getting done, then.

3) Break-points: I’ve been strict with having break points in my day, which practically speaking means no more breakfast/lunch at my desk, or coffee at my desk - I’m using those things as opportunities to sit and read a chapter from a book, chat with Erin, or just sit and laugh at the dogs etc…

4) Adjust the plan: already I’ve had to adjust my balance, being open to acknowledging when changes need made, and reflecting on the data means that I can make sensible changes to get more out of my training on a weekly basis.

The biggest difference between the people who succeed in life and the ones who won't is that commitment to insight, improvement and change.

Now improve yours...

Inspired by the work of James Clear and Atomic Habits.

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